Relationships, Uncategorized

Be Kind to Yourself

We have various emotional stages throughout the day but how often do we really consider them? How often do you take the time to examine what you're feeling and identify the triggers you face throughout the day that affect you negatively?

Relationships, Uncategorized

Our Greatest Saboteur 

Hello again! I know it's been quite some time since my last post and I'm sorry for abandoning you! I'm back now with a new fire igniting my passion and plenty of topics to talk about. As always, if you have any input or want to share your thoughts on my topic of discussion, I'd… Continue reading Our Greatest Saboteur 

Relationships, Uncategorized

Finding the ‘We’

The truth is, relationships are hard. The blending of two perspectives is an incredible feat and can seem impossible without the proper tools. I have been able to deduce that successful, long term relationships only need one thing; two willing parties. That’s it. You both must be willing to do whatever it takes to make… Continue reading Finding the ‘We’

Relationships, Uncategorized

The Real Trick

Before you even step outside to begin dating, there is one true trick to tell if you're ready for 'the one'. It's been talked about but most don't want to confront it because then they'll have to admit to themselves that their really not ready for what they're looking for. Of course, this trick is… Continue reading The Real Trick